What is NCSY?

  • NCSY is the Orthodox run, International Jewish Youth group.

  • NCSY is not only a place for Jewish teens to meet and have fun, but it strives on Its operations of Jewish-inspired after-school programs.

  • There are multiple zoom lessons and groups you can join to learn about certain Jewish subjects or even connecting normal subjects to Judaism

My Role in NCSY

  • I have been in NCSY for three years.

  • I have been an active member and I attend as many programs as possible.

My NCSY Experience

  • I have gone to many in-person and on zoom

  • Unfortunately, due to the time of my arrival I joined just before covid so I wasn't able to go to any conventions

  • I was able to attend an online regions weekend in 2020 where I got to bond with the people in my chapter.

  • In 2021 I was able to go to a shabbaton and made close friends with epople from other cities.