What is BBYO?
BBYO is an international Jewish youth group that connects teens around the world and gives them a better understanding of Judaism and different Jewish cultures and practices.
BBYO is a teen led organization which means teens make up the boards and are in charge of programming, fundraising, budgeting, and multiple more aspects. With adult advisors of course.
Not only does it create connections with teens around the world but it connects teens to their Jewish heritage and gain a better understanding of who they are.
My Role in BBYO
Spring of 2021 I joined BBYO as a member
Shortly after I was elected as Shlicha and will be fulfilling my role for the fall term and then again for the 2022 spring term.
Shlicha means I am in charge of anything involving Israel and Judaism. Whether it's a fundraiser, program, Havdallah, Shabbat, or even a convention, I'm there to help plan out all the religious aspects and make sure everyone feels comfortable in their own religious setting,
I plan the breast cancer awareness dinner we have every year, along with our Stand With Us programs, which partner with this organizatin to help teach BBYO teens about Israel and their cultural ties to it.
My BBYO Experiences
Being on board has given me such a new outlook on what it means to take charge and run a group.
During 2021 year I was able to go to a virtual Spring Cultural, a regional convention, and talk with Jews near me about what it means to be Jewish. I felt so much more connected to my friends.
Being on board means connection with teens all over the world. I was able to join an international call and learn about my positions role and how to complete my job to the fullest.
I was allowed to go to the 2021 New Member Weekend and meet teans from around my region, making friends from Richmond, Virginia to Coumbia, South Carolina.
In December of 2021, I helped plan a global bbyo shabbat and invited all the jewish youth groups in charlotte to join to form unity and connection. We also brought in Senator Jeff Jackson as a speaker.